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In February 2023, a team from Oso Community Chapel will head down to Rincon de Urias in Mazatlan, Mexico for one packed week of service.
Remodel and improve a kitchen that is used daily by a local church ("Amistad Familiar") for preparing and serving free meals to kids.
Paint the Amistad Familiar church building & other projects.
Host a free after-school baseball camp for kids.
#1 - PRAY! Join us in prayer for the mission to be a complete success:
Pray for Amistad Familiar, for their leadership/staff, and for all of the families that they serve daily to be blessed beyond measure!
Pray for all of the supplies needed for the projects to be readily available, affordable, and easily gathered in time for the mission.
Pray for the Lord to prepare the hearts of everyone - those receiving and those serving - for what God has in mind for this trip.
Pray for the finances to abundantly come through for both the mission expenses, as well as the team's travel expenses.
Pray for team unity and wisdom throughout the preparations and planning leading up to the trip, and for safety while traveling and in Mexico.
#2 SERVE! - We will be having a variety of fundraising options such as a yard sale, bake sale, and auction. Let us know if you would like to serve in any of those options, or if you have auction items to donate.
#3 GIVE! - If you would like to financially support this mission, you can give directly through Oso Community Chapel, making the note on your donation that it is to go to the Mexico Mission Trip. Or you can give through "givesendgo" at this link:
(All donations are tax deductible)
You can also give through your donation of new items for an auction we will be having (date yet to be announced).
#4 SPREAD THE WORD! - Please share this info page, as well as the givesendgo link above, with your friends and family and anyone you know that may want to join us in prayer and support.
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